Transportation Consultants
A motor carrier/operator can hire a transportation consultant to assist them in complying with regulations. Consultants are highly trained professionals who are knowledgeable about transportation regulations and the requirements in Manitoba.
The department maintains a list of approved consultants, which is available upon request. Many carriers already have consultants doing licensing and fuel tax. Some of these consultants also do regulatory compliance and training.
If a carrier/operator has been ordered to hire a consultant based on audit finding, the Motor Carrier Division must approve the consultant before the department will accept any consulting work. Contact the Motor Carrier Branch to have a consultant reviewed for approval.
The consultant should:
- Verify the appropriate systems are in place to manage risk and determine how effective those systems are.
- Evaluate whether minimum legislated requirements are being met by owners, managers, supervisors, dispatchers, drivers, mechanics and contractors. Full regulatory compliance is the minimum acceptable performance.
- Identify whether the company is meeting or exceeding all legal requirements to its staff, customers, the public and the environment.
- Establish a performance baseline for the company's current or proposed programs.
- Evaluate the company's incident or collision review procedures.
- Evaluate safety and maintenance issues within the company.
- Identify immediate and long-term safety risks in the company.