Axle Weights on Regulated Vehicles
Vehicles, axles and tires are rated by each manufacturer for the weight they can safely carry and should never be exceeded.
Each highway classification allows different axle weights, and drivers should never exceed the weight of the lowest-classed highway on the route, unless they have permit allowing the excess weight.
The weight allowed on any axle group on an RTAC vehicle is the lesser of:
- the manufacturer's gross axle weight rating
- the allowed gross axle weight (Schedule H of the Vehicles Dimensions and Weight on Classes of Highways Regulation 155/2018) on each class of highway
- 10 kilograms of weight for each millimetre of the narrowest tire on RTAC, A1 and B1 highways or nine kilograms of weight for each millimetre of the narrowest tire on A, B, or C highways (this does not apply to wide-base single tires)
For example, a truck tractor traveling on an RTAC route with 280 mm wide tires will only be allowed a maximum of 5,600 kg on a single steer axle, even though the allowed gross axle weight is 6,000 kg on an RTAC route.
For general weight provisions, see the Manitoba Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Guide (PDF).