Investment Fraud and Scams
A better understanding of financial matters can decrease vulnerability to unscrupulous business practices.
The Manitoba Financial Services Agency has a series of brochures and handouts that cover a variety of topics concerning investment fraud and scams.

Recognize Investment Fraud

Investment fraud can happen to anyone.  Log onto to learn how to recognize, report and protect yourself from becoming a victim of investment fraud.

List of Scams

An investment opportunity that sounds too good to be true probably is. The Manitoba Financial Services Agency’s Investigation department looks into all types of investment scams throughout the year and takes a proactive approach that shuts down scams before they even get started.

Factsheets for Seniors

A series of plain language factsheets for older Canadians have been created on financial planning and protection.
To receive a paper copy of any of the publications, please call 1-800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232).

Police Academy Older Adults Division

A 12-week informational course on safety and security, offered in partnership with the Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat, the Manitoba Association of Senior Centres, Consumer Protection Office, Winnipeg Police Service, RCMP and several other organizations. For more information about this program, contact the Winnipeg Police Services - Community Relations Unit at 204-986-6322.

Shopping Safely Online

The factsheet from the Consumer Protection Office provides tips to help you and your family shop safely online.
HLM_MSM_CallingOutFraud .png
Time to Call Out Fraud, a campaign that exposes the tactics used by scammers to manipulate, bully, and defraud Canadians. Visit and listen to six real recordings of fraudsters in action. In less than five minutes you can to hear what fraud really sounds like. And remember, if an investment opportunity seems too good to be true, it’s because it is. Listen, learn and protect yourself!