Collaborative Family Law
Some lawyers in Manitoba provide collaborative family law services. This is where each party hires a lawyer to act as an advisor and the parties negotiate their issues with their lawyers by their sides. This allows the parties to try to settle their own issues, but with legal protection.
The process may also include other professionals, such as therapists or financial experts. The parties must be prepared to cooperate and agree not to go to court. If an agreement cannot be reached, both lawyers must withdraw.
For information or contact information for lawyers who practice collaborative law, visit: Collaborative Family Law
What if I can’t afford a collaborative lawyer?
Legal Aid Manitoba also offers collaborative law. Where both parties qualify for Legal Aid, they will each be referred to one of two specialized Legal Aid offices, where their lawyers will use the collaborative law process. If only one of the parties qualifies for Legal Aid, they can still use the collaborative law process if both agree.
For more information, please see Resources section or contact Legal Aid Manitoba.