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Note: If you have experienced family violence and are using a computer that is shared with your abuser, use extreme caution to clear your browser history when you are finished visiting this site. If you do not know how to clear your browser, search the help available for your particular browser or use a public computer if possible.
If you are in an abusive relationship, or you know someone who may be, call 1-877-977-0007 or text 204-792-5302 or 204-805-6682.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Protection Planning
- Be Prepared with a Protection Plan.
- What You Should Pack
- Ways to Keep safe
- How to get a court Protection Order
People living with family violence can improve their safety and the safety of their children by writing and using a protection plan. A protection plan will help you and your children get to a safe place when you are in danger. The plan will include where to go - and what you need to take with you, if you’re forced to leave your home to escape from a violent partner. If you are, or have been, in an abusive relationship, it’s important to have a protection plan.
Be Prepared with a Protection Plan. Think Ahead.
When making a protection plan, you need to think about:
- How does the person behave before an attack? What signs can you watch for? Are alcohol or drugs involved?
- What help is available (ex: crisis line 1-877-977-0007; or someone you can trust to help)
- All possible escape routes from your home
- A safe place where you and your children can go (ex: a shelter; home of a friend or family)
- How you will get to the safe place (ex: car, bus, someone who’ll pick you up)
- How to get to a phone to call for help (ex: get a cell phone; keep change handy for a pay phone)
- Who to call if you are in immediate danger (the police at 911)
Note - Manitoba shelters can provide women, men and children with free transportation to an emergency shelter.
Your safety and the safety of your children are the most important. If you are in immediate danger, call 911 and leave immediately if you think it is safe to do so. Don’t take anything with you - just leave immediately!
What You Should Pack
If you are not in immediate danger and have time to pack a few things before you go, you should probably pack:
- Cash, bank and/or credit cards
- Identification for you and your children, ex. birth certificates, driver’s license, health card, passports
- Keys – for your house and/or car
- Personal items – clothing, medication and toiletries
- Items for your children – clothing, toys, medications, diapers or bottles
Ways to Keep safe
Along with writing down and practicing your protection plan, there are other ways to keep safe:
- Talk about your plan with your children and other family members who may be at risk.
- Find a good counsellor or a trusted person to talk to.
- Practice evacuating your home, in case you need to do it quickly.
- Set a code word or phrase with people you trust and talk to regularly on the phone as a signal you’re in danger - something you can say that will not alert the person behaving abusively. For example, “I crave blueberry ice cream.” could be a signal for the person on the line to call 911 right away and send the police to you.
- If you have neighbours that can help, you can develop a visual signal that would alert them that you need immediate assistance. You could switch the outside light on and off several times to signal your neighbours to call 911. You can also give your neighbour a spare key to your vehicle if you need to leave quickly.
How to get a court Protection Order
If you and your children need immediate protection, you can apply for a protection order. This is a court order, given in an emergency, which forbids the abuser (the respondent) from having any contact with you (the applicant).
If you have been stalked or are a victim of family violence, and you believe the behaviour will continue, you can get a protection order. You don’t have to wait until you are actually injured to get help. There is no cost to apply for one. However, applying for a protection order does not mean you will automatically be granted one.
Manitoba Justice, through Victim Services, can help with protection orders, legal questions, custody and the rights of victims. Learn more about the Domestic Violence Support Service (DVSS).
Agencies that are funded through Gender-Based Violence Program (GBVP) can also help you apply for protection order.