Volume 1
» Volume 2 «
(Proposed Statute Amendments)
Final Report
Proposed Statute Amendments
The Adoption Act
Agricultural Producer's Organization Funding Act
Animal Liability Act
Civil Service Act
Communities Economic Development Fund Act
Consumer Protection Act
Cooperatives Act
Corporations Act
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act
Department of Health Act
Development Corporation Act
Elderly and Infirm Person's Housing Act
Elections Act
Employment and Income Assistance Act
Family Farm Protection Act
Family Maintenance Act
Farm Lands Ownership Act
Homesteads Act
Insurance Act
Intestate Succession Act
Law of Property Act
Legislative Assembly Act
Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Conflict of Interest Act
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act
Marital Property Act
Mental Health Act
Municipal Act
Municipal Council Conflict of Interest Act
Pension Benefits Act
Powers of Attorney Act
Public Schools Act
Wills Act
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