The process to apply for Manitoba Supports for Persons with Disabilities will depend on your current situation. Some Manitobans joined the program in January 2023, as they were eligible as what is called a ‘prescribed class’. Prescribed classes are persons who are already enrolled in Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) in the Disability category, which is now called the Medical Barriers to Full Employment category (MBFE), and who are also receiving one or more of the following qualifying disability supports:
Community Living DisABILITY Services
Live in a personal care home
Canada Pension Plan Disability benefits
Beginning April 1, 2023, all other Manitobans who are living with a severe and prolonged disability and who meet financial eligibility requirements can apply for the Manitoba Supports program.
To find out how the intake process might look for you, click
on the box that best describes your situation.
If you currently receive:
Please start by contacting your current EIA worker to discuss your eligibility for Manitoba Supports. You are likely automatically eligible for this new program.
Please start by contacting your current EIA worker to discuss your eligibility for Manitoba Supports.
Assessment and Approval
There won't be a financial assessment.
Because you receive EIA, we know you meet the
financial requirements. There is no need for your
financial situation to be assessed.
A disability impact assessment will be required. This assessment will help us to understand how your disability affects your life. There are two parts to the disability impact assessment: a self-assessment, and a medical form for a physician or nurse practitioner to complete. Your EIA worker will let you know if you are required to submit one part or both parts of the assessment.
Approval will depend on whether your disability impact assessment meets the program criteria.
A financial assessment will be required.
That means we'll need to work with you to understand your current available resources.
There won't be a disability impact
Since you receive one or more of the qualifying disability supports, we know your disability is severe and prolonged. That means there is no need for this step.
Approval will depend on whether your
financial assessment meets the program criteria.
A financial assessment will be required because you don't receive Manitoba Income Support. That means we'll need to look at your ability to pay for your basic living expenses.
A disability impact assessment will be required. This assessment will help us to understand how your disability affects your life. There are two parts to the disability impact assessment: a self-assessment, and a medical form. You will be required to complete the self-assessment, and have the medical form completed by a physician or a nurse practitioner.
Approval will depend on whether the financial and disability impact assessments meet the program criteria.