Partners With Youth

The following guidelines pertain to programs that provide Manitobans who are currently in receipt of income assistance or who are employment disadvantaged, with an opportunity to participate in project-based training and employment initiatives that will assist them to prepare for and secure employment.

Partners With Youth is a joint initiative of the Departments of Children and Youth Opportunities and Intergovernmental Affairs. This program is delivered through the Youth Partnerships Branch and has the responsibility to deliver a variety of programs and services to unemployed youth in rural Manitoba.

Eligible participants are youth 18 - 29 years of age, who are receiving income assistance or unemployed youth facing *multiple barriers to employment.

* Youth Partnerships defines individuals with multiple barriers as:

  • having had contact with justice, child or social welfare systems
  • member of an affirmative action group (Indigenous, visible minority, person with a disability)
  • having health, drug and/or alcohol related issues
  • lacking personal supports or skills to make the transition to work
  • lacking academic skills (school drop-out or at risk of dropping out)

Youth Partnerships Branch will contract with non-profit organizations, community- based groups, institutions and private agencies to develop and deliver project activities. Projects will provide a variety of activities aimed a providing employability skills training and/or work experience placements that will prepare project participants for employment. Additional components may include academic upgrading, specific skills training, job preparation and job search techniques. Funds may be available within the project for wage incentives to encourage private sector employers to hire project participants. Projects are also encouraged to apply for funding from other sources.

Specific outcomes for the projects will depend on the individual project goals, but it is expected that they will improve the participants' general employability, prepare them for further training, job search or result in direct employment placement.

Youth Partnerships Branch will provide funds for all approved costs associated with the delivery of the various projects, including staff salaries and operating expenses. Where possible, income assistance participants will be eligible to remain on assistance until they secure paid employment.

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Application and Approval Process

Organizations interested in applying for funding must submit a project proposal that provides information on the organization, funding sources, the need for the project, project objectives and activities, counseling support, plans for follow-up and a detailed budget. The Proposal Guidelines section contains a detailed description of the information required in a project proposal.

All project proposals must meet the following basic criteria:

  1. The organization must be legally registered in Manitoba as a non-project corporation or a private sector enterprise. Applications may be submitted by a group of organizations, with one organization maintaining primary responsibility for the project. Each organization must provide a letter giving support to the project.
  2. The organization must operate in accordance with Manitoba Employment Standards and Manitoba Human Rights regulations.
  3. Members of the project coordinator's immediate family must not be recruited as project participants or hired a project staff.
  4. Funding from Youth Partnerships must not be used to offset reductions in core funding received from other sources or to subsidize other operations and programs. Staff funded under a Partners With Youth contract should only be carrying out activities related to that contract.
  5. The proposed Partners With Youth project must be targeted to participants who are 18-29 years old, who are on income assistance or who are facing multiple barriers to employment.

Proposals that meet all of the basic criteria proceed to a detailed assessment process. Projects assessed as being best able to meet Partners With Youth goals and objectives (assist individuals to improve their employability, prepare them for further training, job search or paid employment, and/or provide direct employment placement) will be considered for funding.

Any agency or community organization with an unresolved or outstanding financial or employment situation will not be considered for participation in this program until the matter is resolved.

Maximum contract length is 52 weeks. Funding will not be guaranteed beyond the contract period. Any unexpended funds must be returned to the Province. Subsequent funding will require the submission of a new proposal and will be determined by the:

  • availability of program funds
  • need for this service/project in the community
  • effectiveness of the project to meet participants' needs
  • ability of the organization to address the needs of any participants who have not yet attained the expected outcome at the completion of the preceding project past results
  • cost effectiveness, and
  • contribution and participation of other partners who are involved.

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Recruitment and Selection Process

Provincial and municipal Income Assistance and Employment Centre staff will refer eligible participants to the project most suitable for their needs. If approved by the Project Officer, projects may also use other recruitment methods. It is the responsibility of the project to ensure all eligible applicants have the approval and support from their Employment and Income Assistance Case Coordinator before starting the project. Projects are responsible for establishing their own selection process, which may include information sessions, testing, personal interviews, etc.

Proposal Guidelines

All project proposals must provide a detailed description of the following categories that apply to the proposal.

The Organization (Who are you?)

  1. Describe the sponsoring organization(s) including its target group, goals and objective, programs and services. Provide a copy of the organization's role and mission statement, relevant brochures and a current annual report (if available).
  2. Provide a list of directors and a signed statement from the board of directors indicating who is authorized to act on behalf of the organization in relation to the proposed project.
  3. If the sponsoring organization is non-profit, provide a statement of other sources of funding. Include the name(s) of the organization's major funder(s), the amount of "core" funding and indicate the status of this funding for the applicable fiscal year(s).
  4. If other partners are involved in this specific project proposal, provide a statement outlining details of the funding partnership.
  5. A description of proposed or existing service partnerships and/or linkages with other existing service providers.
  6. A description of the organization's past accomplishments or experience in the delivery of training and employment projects. Include budget, target group, funder(s) and placement results.

The Project (What do you want to do and why?)

  1. A general description of the proposed including specific target group, project activities and services, number of participants, length of project activities, frequency of intake(s) and the total cost.
  2. Documentation that demonstrates why the proposed service/project is needed in the community/region.
  3. A statement of the goals and objectives of the project. The statement of objectives should include the number of participants expected to complete the project and the number expected to gain employment.

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The Project (How will you carry out this activity?)

Participant Recruitment and Selection Process (where applicable)

  1. method for recruiting participants
  2. method for selecting participants

Project Activities and/or Services Description

  1. activities and/or services to be provided
  2. delivery methods
  3. skills to be developed; if specific skills training is being proposed, how does this skills training meet labour market needs
  4. schedule of intakes and operating dates

Marketing: Work Experience/Job Referral/ Job Placement

  1. method for recruiting employers
  2. types of work experience and positions to be targeted
  3. length of paid or unpaid work experience placements, if applicable
    Note: For unpaid work experience, the employers should provide Workers Compensation coverage. If the employer is unable to provide Workers Compensation coverage, Youth Partnerships will provide coverage for the participant.
  4. plan for monitoring work experience/job placements
  5. use of wage incentives to encourage hiring
  6. assistance for those participants who have not secured paid employment

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Counseling Resources

  1. counseling support to be provided or a specific plan to address participants' personal problems (either on-site counseling or referral to community resources)
  2. names of community resources to be used, if applicable

Project Management/Statistical Reporting

  1. how project files will be maintained (paper file, computer file, etc.)

Performance Measurement/Follow-up Plan

  1. description of plan by which the organization proposes to measure client outcomes and the extent to which the project's goals and objectives were met
  2. description of information to be collected and reported
  3. description of a follow-up plan for participants who have not secured paid employment accomplished the expected outcomes


  1. number and titles of positions required to deliver the project
  2. position descriptions
  3. skills and qualifications required for each position
  4. proposed salary for each position including the hourly rate, hours per week to be worked and number of weeks
  5. attach resumes for identified staff


  1. provide detailed estimate of all project costs
  2. include budget notes which provide further details on each budget item
  3. include a monthly cash flow projection for the entire project duration (maximum of 52 weeks)
  4. budgets must contain the following main categories:
    • Staff salaries and Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs)
      • funding for staff salaries will be based on a comparison to salaries for similar positions in other projects funded by Children and Youth Opportunities
      • MERCs are limited to the basic, salary-related costs which an employer must bear, including employer EI and CPP contributions and 4% vacation pay (6% where the employee has completed five years of service)
      • any benefits (including company pension plans, dental/medical plans, life insurance, staff parking, etc.) are not eligible for funding
    • Operating Costs
      • include all non-salary and non-wage items related to rent, equipment and furniture lease, training supplies, office supplies, telephone, staff mileage, etc.
      • projects should attempt to secure in-kind contributions, wherever possible
      • organizations are responsible for ensuring that all project employees are covered by Workers Compensation while employed by the project. Youth Partnerships will reimburse this cost as it relates to project staff.
      • all organizations must maintain, at minimum, a two million dollar commercial general liability insurance policy; approved projects will be required to submit a copy of the policy
    • Wage Incentives for Employers
      Participating employers (businesses or non-profit organizations) may be eligible to receive a wage incentive of $3.00 per hour for up to a 8-week period (minimum 15 hours per week; maximum 8 hours per day; maximum 40 hours per week).


      • subsidized positions cannot result in the lay-off, reduction in hours, or dismissal of current employees
      • participating employers must comply with all federal and provincial laws and regulations which normally govern employees
      • an employers should not be receiving wage incentive for more than three positions within a 52-week period (calendar year). Some exceptions may be considered

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Monitoring/Reporting Procedures

All projects will be subject to monitoring throughout the duration of the project. Program staff will request access to participant and project financial records and will provide ongoing support and advice.

Financial and statistical reports must be submitted monthly and a final evaluation report and financial reconciliation is required at the end of the project. Program staff will provide all necessary forms and information when the project is approved for funding.

Project Proposal Checklist

Please ensure that the project proposal contains the following:

  • Description of sponsoring organization, current annual report and relevant brochures.
  • List of directors and a signed statement indicating who is authorized to act on behalf of the organization.
  • Rationale for project being proposed.
  • Purpose, goals, and objectives of project, including expected results.
  • Project start and end dates.
  • Description of participants to be served (numbers, target group and intake process).
  • Description of specific services and activities; method of delivery and operating schedule and proposed service partnerships/linkages (where applicable).
  • Participant recruitment and selection process.
  • Detailed budget identifying project expenses, sources of revenue, and salary breakdowns. Include forecast of cash flow.
  • Position descriptions and resumes of staff delivering proposed project activities.
  • Statistical reporting method and performance measurement plan.

Submitting Proposals

Should you have any questions or require assistance in developing your proposal, please contact:

Partners with Youth
204-945-3556 or toll-free 1-800-282-8069

The program is administered by local Employment Centres, operated by the Employment Services. Project proposals should be submitted to your local Employment Centre:

Employment Centres
Beausejour Centre
20 - 1st Street South
Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0
(204) 268-6027
Brandon Centre
127, 340-9th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6C2
(204) 726-6908
Dauphin Centre
135A - 2nd Avenue N.E.
Dauphin, MB R7N 0Z6
(204) 622-2147
Flin Flon Centre
111 Main Street
Flin Flon, MB R8A 1J8
(204) 687-1685
Gimli Centre
2nd floor, 62 - 2nd Avenue
Gimli, MB R0C 1B0
(204) 642-6020
Morden Centre
158 Stephen Street
Morden, MB R6M 1T3
(204) 822-2324
Portage la Prairie Centre
1016 Saskatchewan Avenue E.
Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3V2
(204) 239-3085
Selkirk Centre
237 Manitoba Avenue
Selkirk, MB R1A 0Y4
(204) 785-5295
Steinbach Centre
321 Main Street
Steinbach, MB R0A 2A0
(204) 346-6057
Swan River Centre
201 - 4th Avenue South
Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0
(204) 734-9768
The Pas Centre
305 - 4th Street W.
The Pas, MB R9A 1M4
(204) 627-8135
Thompson Centre
North Central Mall
3 Station Road, Room 118
Thompson, MB R8N 0N3
(204) 677-6667

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