Hiring Someone with a disability is good business. And that's the bottom line

Celebrating Progressive Employers and Capable Employees

These stories are about Manitoba employers who have benefited from hiring someone with a disability. They were originally published in the Winnipeg Free Press and collected through an initiative called “Perspectives in Change”.

Debbie – Boston Pizza

Debbie – Boston Pizza

“She is helpful, friendly, upbeat and she loves her job.  It is reassuring to know that Debbie is here. She helps the business succeed.”

-- Gerri McCaughan, General manager [read more...]

Hazel - Greystone Managed Investments

Hazel - Greystone Managed Investments

“Our experience with Hazel has opened our eyes and our hearts to see that people with disabilities can be independent and productive.”

-- Donna Kramer, Supervisor [read more...]

Elin and Melanie - Pitblado LLP

Elin and Melanie - Pitblado LLP

“They inspire others by showing consistency, loyalty and dedication to the job.”

-- Bruce King, Managing partner [read more...]

Curtis - Steinbach Sobeys

Curtis - Steinbach Sobeys

“Doerksen is one of the longest serving courtesy clerks at the Steinbach Sobeys: he has worked there since 2004. “Curtis is one of those long term employees who form the core of our staff.”

-- Michelle Klippenstein, Supervisor [read more...]


Trevor - Accurate Lawn & Garden

“New people need to learn quickly, and fit in well. Trevor did that—every day he was learning more, and within a week he was fitting in.”

-- John Neufeld, Owner [read more...]


Catherine - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

“She has opened all our eyes to what people with disabilities can do.”

-- Kevin Feely, Manager [read more...]


Shirley - Holiday Inn South

“If you can hire someone who will give 150%, who will never be late, who works hard and is always happy, why would you refuse that person?”

-- Chef Eldon Brink [


Pat - McRae Food Processing Equipment

“There’s a multitude of jobs that Pat can do,” says owner Doug McRae. Doug points out that Pat’s “awesome” memory, his technical and mechanical aptitude, and his personable manner make him invaluable in the business.”

-- Doug McRae, Owner [read more...]


Russ - Manitoba First Nations Educational Resource Centre

“When I am at work, I feel as though my disability disappears.”

-- Russ [read more...]


Darrell - Montana’s Cookhouse on Empress Street

“He’s one of the unsung heroes.  The whole restaurant revolves around Darrell and his work.”

-- Andrew Hooper, Colleague [read more...]


Craig - MTS Allstream, Inc.

“His work has freed other staff to be more effective in their own work. That helps us respond to customers more quickly.”

-- Nickie McKim, Manager of Facilities Assignment [read more...]


Darryl - Safeway

“It’s good business for the people in our stores to represent the communities we serve... Darryl is our senior Courtesy Clerk. He is reliable, respectful to all, and he enjoys helping people. What more could I ask for?”

-- Peter Darowski, Safeway’s Human Resource Director [read more...]