Wellness at MDA

MDA is the government leader in workplace wellness! We believe wellness provides staff with more than just a place to work, but also as a place where staff can learn, stay healthy and provide a service to the citizens of Manitoba. MDA also believes that a healthy workplace is an excellent recruitment and retention strategy.

Wellness should be ingrained in workplace culture. It is more than having web access to documents on health and more than an exercise room — it is a long-term strategy.

This strategy will help keep staff healthy, productive and motivated as they age. Done properly, wellness will potentially save the health care system millions of dollars in the future, simply by reducing the need.

Wellness-related events that have taken place at MDA include:

  • a shower facility installed at the MDA warehouse
  • exercise equipment purchased and wellness room opened
  • a Wellness Commitee to plan and organize health related events
  • two successful walking rallies
  • a weight-loss club
  • the introduction of DDR - a video dance game competition
  • annual wellness fairs (including speakers and activities)
  • Wii games and mini-boot camp
  • ping pong table
  • two health lunches per year
  • creation of a documented wellness plan
  • an In Motion commercial shown on CTV
  • demonstration from Table Tennis Manitoba
  • nominated for Service Excellence Award
  • creation of database of wellness activities and participation