STANDING COMMITTEE INDEX - 2nd Session - 40th Legislature
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Bill 26)
Clause 2(2)
Howard, SED755; passed, SED755
Clause 3(1)
Howard, SED755-756; passed, SED756
Clause 6(4)
Howard, SED756; passed, SED756
Clause 8(4)
Howard, SED756-757; passed, SED757
Clause 9(2)
Howard, SED757-758
Rowat, SED757-758
Clause 10(1)
Howard, SED758-759
Rowat, SED758-759
Clause 10(2)
Howard, SED759-760
Rowat, SED759-760
Clause 35.1
Howard, SED760-761; passed, SED761
Rowat, SED761; passed, SED761
Clause 35.2
Howard, SED761; passed, SED761
Rowat, SED761; passed, SED761
Deaf-blind individuals
Ruppel, John, SED750-751
Sage, Geraldine, SED752-753
Non-compliance penalties
Frain, Jennifer, SED741-742
Opening statements
Howard, SED754
Rowat, SED754-755
Private residences
Falconer, Patrick, SED718-720
Rebeck, Kevin, SED715
Public presentations
Backstrom, Oly, SED738-739
Delong, Jeannette, SED733-735
Eadie, Ross, SED743-744
Enns, Ruth, SED735-737
Falconer, Patrick, SED717-719
Frain, Jennifer, SED740-742
Fultz, Megan, SED732-733
Helgason, Laurie, SED720-722
Lepofsky, David, SED708-709
McInnes, Rob, SED746-747
Mores, Gail, SED712-713
Pasieka, George, SED748-749
Rebeck, Kevin, SED714-716
Ruppel, John, SED750-751
Sage, Geraldine, SED752-753
Steen, David, SED725-726
Turner, Jess, SED739-740
Unreau, Samuel, SED729-731
Zdriluk, Libby, SED722-724
Written submissions
Dobrowolski, Doug, SED820
Wittman, Karen, SED820-821
Addiction prevention. See Manitoba Liquor Control Commission
Affordable housing. See Housing, affordable
Ahamed, Feraz (Private Citizen)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Public presentations, SED322-323
Aisaican-Chase, James (Private Citizen)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Public presentations, SED227-228
Albert Beach, Rural Municipality of. See Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)
Allan, Hon. Nancy (St. Vital) NDP
Community Schools Act (Bill 12)
Opening statements, HR626-627
Education Administration Amendment and Public Schools Amendment Act (Parent Groups for Schools) (Bill 14)
Manitoba Association of Parent Councils, HR604
Opening statements, HR627
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Opening statements, HR546-547
Teachers' Society Amendment Act (Bill 9)
Opening statements, HR625
Allard, Carmen (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR220-221
Allary, Fran (Private Citizen)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Written submissions, SED544
Allum, James (Fort Garry-Riverview) NDP
Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2013
Chapter 7: Provincial Nominee Program for Business
Risk matrix, PA109
Altona, Town of. See Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations)
Ames, Doris (Native Orchid Conservation Inc.)
Endangered Species Amendment Act (Ecosystem Protection and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 24)
Orchid conservation, SED776-777
Public presentations, SED776-777
Anais, Seantel (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR244-245
Anderson, A. Leonard (Private Citizen)
Public Guardian and Tustee Act (Bill 36)
Written submissions, JU43-44
Anderson, Heather (Private Citizen)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Written submissions, SED589-590
Anderson, Jay (Supply Chain Management Association)
Manitoba Institute of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada Amendment Act (Bill 32)
Public presentations, SED670-671
Anderson, Kerry (Private Citizen)
Public Guardian and Tustee Act (Bill 36)
Public presentations, JU3-5
Anderson, Margaret (Private Citizen)
Public Guardian and Tustee Act (Bill 36)
Public presentations, JU6-8
Anderson, Margaret Ann (Private Citizen)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Written submissions, SED579
Anderson, Wayne (Private Citizen)
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries Corporation Act and Liquor and Gaming Control Act (Bill 43)
Public presentations, SED674-675
Video lottery terminals agreements
Horse racing industry, SED674-675
Andres, Mary (Private Citizen)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Written submissions, SED551
Andrews, Joe (Private Citizen)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Public presentations, SED143-144
Angus, Daivd (Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Public presentations, SED365-367
Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency. See Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2012: Chapter 3
Appeal Commission and Medical Review Panel
Annual report December 31, 2010
CC217; passed, CC239
Annual report December 31, 2011, CC217
Annual report December 31, 2012, CC217
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR298-299
Archambault, Regan (Private Citizen)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Provincial sales tax increase
Real estate fees, SED13-14
Public presentations, SED13-15
Archer, Dick and Elaine (Private Citizens)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Written submissions, SED540
Armbruster, Roger (Private Citizen)
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR458-459
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR147
Arte, Bilan (Canadian Federation of Students of Manitoba)
Public Schools Amendment Act (Safe and Inclusive Schools) (Bill 18)
Public presentations, HR44
Artuso, Christian (Bird Studies Canada)
Endangered Species Amendment Act (Ecosystem Protection and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Bill 24)
Public presentations, SED774-775
Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas, SED774
Ashton, Bill (Rural Development Institute, Brandon University)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Public presentations, SED603-605
Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) NDP
Emergency Measures Amendment Act (Bill 37)
Opening statements, SED432
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Charter Bus Service) (Bill 27)
Opening statements, HR582-583
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Enhanced Safety Regulation of Heavy Motor Vehicles) (Bill 41)
Clause 27, HR583-585; passed, HR586
Opening statements, HR583-584
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Enhancing Passenger Safety) (Bill 42)
Opening statements, HR588-589
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Flexible Short-Term Regulation of Vehicle Weights and Dimensions) (Bill 6)
Opening statements, HR582
Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Respect for the Safety of Emergency and Enforcement Personnel) (Bill 2)
Clause 3(2), SED431-432
Manitoba Lotteries Corporation
Horse racing industry, CC19, CC183
Low income risk, CC15
Opening statements, CC1-3, CC173-174
Public consultations, CC6
T-plated vehicles, HR581
Ateah, Kevin (Private Citizen)
Municipal Modernization Act (Municipal Amalgamations) (Bill 33)
Public presentations, SED510-511
Victoria Beach, RM of, SED510-511
Audit of the Public Accounts, March 31, 2011, Auditor General's report
Volumes 1-4, PA12-20
Environmental liability, audit process
Pedersen, PA48
Federal transfers
Clarkson, John, PA17-19, PA37-38
Struthers, PA37-38
Fiscal Stabilization Account
Clarkson, John, PA46-48
Cullen, PA46
Driedger, PA47-48
Flood expenditures, appropriation 27
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA36
Audit of the Public Accounts, March 31, 2012, Auditor General's report
Volume 1-3, PA12-20
Bond rating agencies
Clarkson, John, PA44
Helwer, PA44
Federal transfers
Clarkson, John, PA17-19, PA37-38
Struthers, PA37-38
Net debt
Clarkson, John, 15-16, PA12-13
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA36
Provincial debt
Cullen, PA43-45
Driedger, PA48
Helwer, PA44
Hiring process, motion
Swan, LA81-82
Auditor General reports. See Annual reports; specific reports
Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2012
Chapter 1: Accounts and Financial Statements: Section 10 Annual Report
Chapter 7: Taxation Division, Audit Branch: Department of Finance
Chapter 3: Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency: First Nations of Southern Manitoba Child and Family Services Authority
Board governance
Cramer, Joy, PA139
Driedger, PA139
Children in care numbers
Cramer, Joy, PA136
Driedger, PA136
Foster care, at risk supports
Cramer, Joy, PA142
Gerrard, PA142
Foster care, number of children in
Cramer, Joy, PA141
Ewasko, PA141
Foster home licences
Cramer, Joy, PA140, PA144, PA145
Driedger, PA140
Foster home quarterly vistis
Cramer, Joy, PA140-141
Dreidger, PA140-141
Funding model
Driedger, PA137
Ewasko, PA137-138
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA132-133
Pedro Lake Lodge
Bellringer, Carol, PA145
Cramer, Joy, PA144
Ewasko, PA145
Gerrard, PA144
Performance targets
Cramer, Joy, PA143
Gerrard, PA143
Places of safety
Cramer, Joy, PA145
Gerrard, PA145
Places of safety, number of children in
Cramer, Joy, PA141
Driedger, PA141
Balanced budget
Clarkson, John, PA11-12
Driedger, PA11-12
IT risk assessment
Clarkson, John, PA10
Driedger, PA10
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA5-6
Clarkson, John, PA7
Auditor General's Report-Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2013
Chapter 1: Accounts and Financial Statements: Section 10 Annual Report, PA35
Chapter 2: Citizen Concerns-"Part 1 Business Transformation and Technology (BIT)"
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA76
Untendered contracts
Bellringer, Carol, PA79
Gerrard, PA79-80
Chapter 3: Information Technology (IT) Security Management
Civil service, electronic device security
Doak, Grant, PA86
Gerrard, PA86
Civil service, IT security
Doak, Grant, PA83
Helwer, PA83
External contracts, security of
Bellringer, Carol, PA84-85
Doak, Grant, PA82
Gaudreau, PA82
Helwer, PA82
Government email addresses, privacy of
Bellringer, Carol, PA91
Doak, Grant, PA91
Helwer, PA90-91
High-security zone
Driedger, PA87-88
McLean, Fraser, PA87-88
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA80
Doak, PA80-81
Property registry, IT security
Clarkson, John, PA91
Gerrard, PA91
Security awareness programs
Doak, Grant, PA84
Helwer, PA84
Rowat, PA83
Witness protection program, IT security
Bellringer, Carol, PA82
Harold, Doug, PA82
Rowat, PA81
Chapter 5: Manitoba eHealth Procurement of Contractors
Conflict of interest recommendations
Bellringer, Carol, PA66
Friesen, PA65-66
Sussman, Milton, PA65-66
Contract completion dates
Friesen, PA66-67
Sussman, Milton, PA66-67
IT skills background
Gerrard, PA69
Sussman, Milton, PA69
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA62-63
Sussman, Milton, PA54
PRINCE2 methodology
Gerrard, PA68
Sussman, Milton, PA68
SAP system
Friesen, PA68
Sussman, Milton, PA68
Sole source contracts
Bellringer, Carol, PA69
Gerrard, PA69
Sussman, Milton, PA69
Chapter 6: Office of the Fire Commissioner
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA124-125
Parr, Jeff, PA125
Public interest disclosure
Bellringer, Carol, PA130
Clarkson, John, PA128
Dewar, PA128
Special operating agencies
Bellringer, Carol, PA128
Clarkson, John, PA126
Parr, Jeff, PA128
Pedersen, PA126
Special operating agencies, governance structure changes
Parr, Jeff, PA127
Pedersen, PA127
Special operating agencies, records retention policy
Clarkson, John, PA127
Driedger, PA129
Parr, Jeff, PA129
Pedersen, PA127
Vacancy rates
Parr, Jeff, PA130
Pedersen, PA130
Chapter 7: Provincial Nominee Program for Business
Applicant wait times
Eliasson, Hugh, PA115-117
Gerrard, PA115-117
Business start up numbers
Eliasson, Hugh, PA112
Jha, PA112
Conflict of interest case
Bellringer, Carol, PA104-106
Eliasson, Hugh, PA103-106, PA113-114
Immigration schemes
Bellringer, Carol, PA108-109
Eliasson, Hugh, PA107-110
Graydon, PA107-110
Melnick, PA110
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA99-100
Eliasson, Hugh, PA100-101
Program funding
Eliasson, Hugh, PA117-118, PA120
Risk matrix
Allum, PA109
Eliasson, Hugh, PA109
Taxi licences
Eliasson, Hugh, PA106-107
Graydon, PA106-107
Tracking system
Eliasson, Hugh, PA102-103
Graydon, PA102-103
Chapter 8: Senior Management Expense Policies
Expense policy
Clarkson, John, PA93
Driedger, PA93
General Manual of Administration
Clarkson, John, PA94-95
Cullen, PA95
Gerrard, PA93-94
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA92
Clarkson, PA92-93
Auditor General's Report-Report to the Legislative Assembly: Performance Audits, December 2010
Chapter 2: Economic Development: Loans and Investments under The Development Corporation Act
Employment target measurements
Bellringer, Carol, PA31-32
Gerrard, PA31-32
Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC)
Struthers, PA29
Manitoba Development Centre (MDC)
Cullen, PA30
Eliasson, Hugh, PA30
Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP)
Cullen, PA26-27
Eliasson, Hugh, PA24, PA26-29, PA32
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA21
Eliasson, Hugh, PA22-23
Venture capital funds
Cullen, PA23
Eliasson, Hugh, PA23-24, PA30, PA33
Gerrard, PA33
Jha, PA30
Venture capital funds, conflict of interest
Eliasson, Hugh, PA25
Graydon, PA25
Auditor General's Report, Operations of the Office, March 31, 2012, PA1
Conflict of interest
Bellringer, Carol, PA3
Driedger, PA2-3
Opening statements
Bellringer, Carol, PA2
Special audits
Bellringer, Carol, PA3-4
Driedger, PA3-4
Augustine, Anthony (Manitoba Federation of Non-Profit Organization)
Manitoba Building and Renewal Funding and Fiscal Management Act (Various Acts Amended) (Bill 20)
Provincial sales tax increase
Non-profit organizations, SED349-351
Public presentations, SED349-351