Social and Economic Development Index - 4th Session - 39th Legislature

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Social and Economic Development Index


Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

Condominium Amendment Act (Phased Condominium Development) (Bill 35)


Clause 4(1), 120; passed, 121

Credit unions

Prairie Central amalgamation possibility, 106

Fien, Cy (Gendis)

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2010 (Bill 31)

Public presentation, 33-34

Retroactive taxation, 34-35

Forbes, Doug (Canadian Condominium Institute)

Condominium Amendment Act (Phased Condominium Development) (Bill 35)

Public presentation, 113-114

Franchises Act (Bill 15)


Clause 5(14)

Bjornson, 149; passed, 149

Clause 5(2) (b)

Bjornson, 149; passed, 149

Clause 5(8) (b)

Bjornson, 149; passed, 149

National standardization

Borotsik, 132

McLachlan, 132

Ogaranko, 132

Opening remarks

Bjornson, 148

Borotsik, 148

Public presentations

McLachlan, 130-131

Fuga, Olga (Private Citizen)

Condominium Amendment Act (Phased Condominium Development) (Bill 35)

Public presentation, 109-112



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