Legislative Affairs - 3rd Session - 38th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Legislative Affairs Index


Mackintosh, Hon. Gord (St. Johns) N.D.P.

Courts Administration Improvement Act [Bill 36]

Opening statements, 106-107

Registration refusal, 107

Provincial Court Amendment Act (Justices of the Peace) [Bill 11]


Clause 9

138; passed, 138

Judicial justices, qualifications, 137

Nominating committee, composition, 138

Opening statements, 135

Maguire, Larry (Arthur-Virden) P.C.

Planning Act [Bill 33]

Animal units, 292-293

Appeal process, timelines, 219

Conditional use hearings, 242

Consultations, 219

Hearing process, 214

Notices, posting of, 218

Performance bonds, 214

Relationship to other legislation, 298

Technical review committee (TRC), 210

Water regulations, 221

Mah, Peter (Manitoba Pork Council)

Planning Act [Bill 33]

Agricultural land, protection of, 301

Conditional use process, 301

Land and water use planning, integration of, 300

Local land use planning, 300

Municipal Act, elimination of, 300

Proposed amendments, 301-302

Public participation, 300

Public presentation, 299-304

Regulation 364/87, 301

Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Act [Bill 30]

Board representation

Wishart, 154


Eichler, 154

Faurschou, 154-155

Wishart, 154-155

Creating efficiencies

Wishart, 154


Gerrard, 155

Wishart, 155-156

Wowchuk, 155-156

Opening statements

Eichler, 180

Wowchuk, 179

Public presentation

Keystone Agricultural Producers, 153-157

Wishart, 153-157

Surpluses, Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

Wishart, 154

Value-added initiatives

Wishart, 154

Wowchuk, 154

Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation Act [Bill 9]

Borrowing, size and scope of

Gerrard, 112

Hildahl, 112-113

Opening statements

Reimer, 135

Robinson, 134-135

Public presentation

Hildahl, 111-113


Goertzen, 113

Hildahl, 113

Manitoba Council on Aging Act [Bill 8], 171

Appointment criteria

Kaplan, 158, 160

Oswald, 159

Diabetes strategy

Drosdowech, 163

Gerrard, 163

Health strategy

Drosdowech, 163

Reimer, 163


Drosdowech, 161

Property taxes, education portion

Drosdowech, 163

Reimer, 163

Public presentations

Drosdowech, 160-164

Kaplan, 157-160

Manitoba Committee on Seniors, 157-160

Manitoba Council on Aging, 160-164

Responsibilities of council

Kaplan, 158

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Injury Compensation Appeal Commission) [Bill 5], 170

Mansell, Ted (Service Employees International Union - SEIU Canada)

Workplace Safety and Health Amendment Act (Needles in Medical Workplaces) [Bill 23]

Categories of medical devices, 66

Instruction and training, 67

Investigations and reports, 68

Legislation's coming into force date, 69

Medical sharps, examples of, 69-70

Procedures for needlestick injuries, 67-68

Procedures for post-exposure protocol, 67-68

Public presentation, 66-70

Safety-engineered medical sharp, 66-67

Sharps injury log, 68

Workplace Safety and Health committees, 67

Mawer, Rodger (Private Citizen)

Planning Act [Bill 33]

Written submissions, 275-276

Melnick, Hon. Christine (Riel) N.D.P.

Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Child Protection Penalties) [Bill 2]

Opening statements, 98-99

Milk Prices Review Amendment Act [Bill 13]

Cost of production survey

Wade, 86

Wowchuk, 86

Eastern milk prices

Eichler, 86

Wade, 86

Gasoline prices, impact of

Gerrard, 86

Wade, 86

Opening statements

Eichler, 87

Wowchuk, 87

Public presentations

Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, 84-86

Wade, 84-86

Mulder, George (Private Citizen)

Condominium Amendment Act [Bill 31]

Arbitration process, 165

Design criteria, 165

Liability following substantive design changes, 165

Public presentation, 164-168

Surety bond, 165

Warranty period, 165, 166

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act [Bill 37]

Opening statements

Goertzen, 145

Smith, 145

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, 148


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