HOUSE INDEX - 1st Session - 38th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 1st-38th


BabyFirst program

Sale, 1233

Beef industry

Promotion and marketing

Eichler, 847

Mihychuk, 847-848

Bema Gold Corporation

Mihychuk, 598-599

Bilingual services. See French-language services


Appropriation Act, 2003 (Main and Supplementary) (Bill 5)

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2003 (Bill 3)

Interim Appropriation Act, 2003 (Bill 2)

Loan Act, 2003 (Bill 4)

Biotech industry

Eichler, 713-715

Mihychuk, 597, 713-715

Bison Commodities plant

Penner, 930

Bison industry

Assistance programs

Eichler, 1390

Wowchuk, 1391

General comments

Eichler, 399

Processing plant

Eichler, 848

Mihychuk, 848

Bjornson, Peter (Gimli) N.D.P.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, 31-32

Islendingadagurinn, 256

Oral Questions

Rural Manitoba, government initiatives, 1375

Rural Manitoba, government initiatives, 1375

Throne Speech debate, 10-12

Volunteerism, 1219-1220

World Teachers' Day, 1445-1446

Blue Water Trail

Hawranik, 727-728

Boulet Brothers Concrete Ltd.

Rocan, 1220

Boundary Trails health care facility

Chomiak, 401

Dyck, 401

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. See also Matters of Grievance; Matters of Urgent Public Importance

Administrative costs of assistance programs

Penner, 115

Wowchuk, 115

Advertising campaign

Doer, 1044

Lemieux, 1044-1045

Maguire, 1044, 1373

Penner, 1398-1400

Wowchuk, 1373, 1398-1400

Agricultural Policy Framework

Cummings, 878

Penner, 359, 364-372, 422-424

Wowchuk, 364-371, 422-424, 878

Assistance programs

Cummings, 745-750, 1385-1387

Doer, 61-63, 224-228, 1426-1428

Eichler, 362-363, 607-608

Gerrard, 257-258

Goertzen, 155-156, 431-432

Loewen, 732-733, 755-756

Mihychuk, 607-608

Murray, 60-62, 224-228, 1426-1429

Nevakshonoff, 430-431

Penner, 106, 194-202, 353-361, 734-743, 752-754, 1150, 1400-1401

Selinger, 732-738, 753-754, 755-756

Tweed, 154-155, 256-257, 543

Wowchuk, 104, 154-155, 155-156, 195-202, 353-363, 543, 1150, 1385-1387, 1400-1401

Cash advance for producers

Chomiak, 541-542, 723

Cummings, 64-65, 160, 389-391, 539, 878-879

Doer, 136, 151-153, 247-249, 251-252, 254-255, 877-878, 1042-1044, 1292-1294, 1479-1480

Driedger, 541, 723

Eichler, 722-723

Gerrard, 68

Goertzen, 395

Lemieux, 251, 254, 1045

Loewen, 249-250, 536-537

Maguire, 721-722, 1001, 1045, 1055-1059

Mihychuk, 252-253

Mitchelson, 252-253

Murray, 136, 151-153, 247-249, 535-536, 877-878, 1041-1043, 1292-1293, 1478-1479

Penner, 107, 253-254, 394, 537-538, 1053-1055, 1379-1385, 1440-1441, 1480

Rowat, 540, 1043-1044, 1486

Schuler, 250-251

Selinger, 249-250, 536-537

Stefanson, 393

Taillieu, 394

Wowchuk, 64-65, 68, 389-391, 393, 394, 395, 535-536, 538, 539, 540-541, 721-723, 879, 1001, 1379-1385, 1441, 1480-1481, 1486-1487

Consumer confidence

Gerrard, 1276-1277

Selinger, 1276-1278

Culling strategy

Ashton, 396

Goertzen, 395-396

Wowchuk, 395

Disposal of animals

Ashton, 1323-1325

Goertzen, 1323-1325

Economic impact

Eichler, 72

Goertzen, 256

Environmental impact

Ashton, 1323-1325

Goertzen, 1323-1325

Exportsborder opening

Cummings, 1388

Penner, 1294

Wowchuk, 1294, 1388

Families, impact on

Caldwell, 67-68, 153-154, 397-398, 1082-1084

Chomiak, 398

Rowat, 67, 153-154, 397-398, 1082-1084

Feed assistance program

Eichler, 1389-1390

Penner, 111-114

Rowat, 1395-1396

Wowchuk, 112-114, 1389-1390, 1395-1396

General comments

Gerrard, 1469-1470

Interdepartmental committee

Lemieux, 680

Rowat, 680

Taillieu, 393

Wowchuk, 393

Meetings with Bush administration

Doer, 229

Murray, 229

Slaughter Compensation Program

Penner, 108-111

Wowchuk, 108-111

Status of Women, involvement of

McGifford, 1067

Rowat, 1067

Student financial assistance

McGifford, 1034

Mitchelson, 1034

Testing program, funding for

Doer, 727

Gerrard, 726-727

Selinger, 726

Wowchuk, 727

Bramwell, Gill

Driedger, 1154-1155

Brandon University

Balanced budget

McGifford, 1035

Mitchelson, 1034-1035

Brick, Marilyn (St. Norbert) N.D.P.

Arthur V. Mauro student residence, 629-630

Auto insurance rates, provincial comparisons, 397

Oral Questions

Auto insurance rates, provincial comparisons, 397

St. Norbert Behavioural Health Foundation, 1154

Throne Speech debate, 12-13

Bridging Generations Initiative

Wowchuk, 103

Brokenhead First Nation

Cottage lots, development of

Hawranik, 801-802

Lathlin, 801-802

Brunkild Centennial

Taillieu, 160-161, 162

BSE. See Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy


Economic forecast

Gerrard, 1336

Loewen, 1334-1335

Selinger, 1335-1336

Reinstatement of

Mackintosh, 15

Budget Implementation and Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2003

[Bill 3]

1R, Selinger, 1210

2R, Selinger, 1448-1449

C/W, 1468


Doer, 1473-1474

Gerrard, 1469-1471

Murray, 1471-1473


Liba, 1476

Builder Bonds

Loewen, 584-586

Selinger, 585-586

Building Independence initiative

Caldwell, 1072-1073

Bus manufacturing industry

Mihychuk, 597

Business Start Program

Eichler, 603

Mihychuk, 603, 711-712

Business subsidies

Gerrard, 696, 697-698

Selinger, 696, 697-698


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