Municipal Affairs - 5th Session - 36th Legislature

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Municipal Affairs Index


Cerilli, Marianne (Radisson) N.D.P.

Municipal Amendment Act (Bill 24)

Arrears--threshold, 33

Chernichan, Rolande (Private Citizen)

Municipal Amendment Act (Bill 24), 34-36

Cancellation or adjournment of auction, 35

Designated officer, 35

Enforcement--legal costs, 36

Prohibited bidders, purchasers and agents, 35

Tax sale process

Challenge, 35-36

Notice provisions, 34-35

Chomiak, Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Chudd, Kevin (Rural Municipality of Gimli)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 25)

Written submissions, 50-51

Clement, Bill (City of Winnipeg)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 25), 44-45


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