Licensing Requirements

The Gas and Oil Burner Act and Regulation defines the classes of licenses and the scope of work allowed:

  • A person holding a valid commercial and industrial gas fitter's licence ("A" gas fitter) may install, repair or modify any gas equipment
  • A person holding a valid domestic gas fitter's licence ("B" gas fitter) may install gas equipment where the input to a single appliance in an installation does not exceed 400,000 BTU per hour. Total gas supplied to the installation may exceed 400,000 BTU per hour providing no single unit is rated in excess of 400,000 BTU per hour.
  • A person holding a valid liquid petroleum gas fitter's licence ("C" fitter) may install any gas equipment using liquefied petroleum gas as a fuel, where the input to any single installation does not exceed 125,000 BTU per hour.
  • A person holding a valid oil burner installer's licence ("F" oil burner) may install and service all oil burners and fuel oil tanks.

Related Documents available on the Bulletins, Guides & Forms page:

  • ITS GO Form 06 - Gas Fitter and Oil Burner Examination Application
  • ITS GO Form 07 - Gas Fitter and Oil Burner License Application
  • ITS GO Form 08 - Gas Fitter and Oil Burner License Reinstatement Application

For additional information, please refer to the Trades, Examinations, Certifications and Licencing webpage.