Review Panel on Common Law Relationships
Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C.

» Volume 1 «
Volume 2
(Proposed Statute Amendments)

Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Hon. A.C Hamilton, Q.C.

Final Report
Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C.
Volume 1 - Final Report - December 31, 2001

III. Adoption

The Terms of Reference require that the following two questions be addressed in relation to the adoption issue:

  1. As they apply to adoption applications by same-sex common-law couples, are the provisions in Manitoba's Adoption Act likely to survive a Charter challenge?
  2. If Manitoba's Adoption Act is not likely to survive a Charter challenge, review legislative approaches in other Canadian jurisdictions, identify models (legislative approaches) which would comply with the Charter, and recommend a preferred approach.

With respect to the first question, section A describes in detail the current provisions of Manitoba's Adoption Act as it applies to adoption applications by same-sex common-law couples. Section B provides more information on adoption in Manitoba as gathered through our process of submissions and consultations. Section C analyzes the provisions in the Adoption Act relating to same-sex adoption in relation to the Charter, and answers the question as to whether they would be likely to survive a Charter challenge.

With respect to the second question, section D reviews the legislative approaches in other Canadian jurisdictions and section E contains my analysis of which legislative approaches I believe would comply with the Charter and which would be recommended. A summary of my recommendations pertaining to adoption are set out in the recommendations section F.

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Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of
Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C. - Volume 1

III. Adoption
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II) Introduction IIIa) Adoption Law in Manitoba
Review Panel on Common-Law Relationships
Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C.
Volume 1
Volume 2 (proposed Statute Amendments)

Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Hon. A.C Hamilton, Q.C.