Types of Support
Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) of Manitoba Family Services provides a range of support services for Manitobans living with an intellectual disability and their families. CLDS funds external agencies to support adults with an intellectual disability in community residential, vocational, employment and support services. Approximately 110 agencies employ 4,600 staff to provide service to over 4,800 adults with an intellectual disability to live and participate in the community. Qualified disability support workers are always needed.
(1) Residential Services
Residential services support adults living with an intellectual disability so they can live in their communities. Services may include, for example, assistance with developing daily living skills including meal preparation and finances, developing meaningful relationships, and supporting activities to ensure optimum health.
Residential options include:
- Independent living with supports - this service provides skill development and support for adults living with an intellectual disability to live on their own.
- Family home supports - this service involves supporting an individual to live with family members.
- Residential care facilities - these residences are operated by agencies or private operators. They provide individuals with a home and support.
- Self-directed services - this option connects participants with community-based, volunteer support networks.
(2) Day, Vocational and Employment Services
Supports in day, vocational and employment services may be provided on an individualized basis or they may be provided in small group settings with the goal of increased community participation. The services include supports in:
- job development and employment supports, such as job coaching and follow-up
- developing work skills, decision-making, problem solving, social and life skills
- exploring personal, recreational and leisure interests in the community such as sports, physical fitness and personal hobbies
(3) Support Services
Other support services may include, respite for individuals who live with their families, clinical services, transportation and crisis intervention.
For more information about Community Living disABILITY Services, go to: www.gov.mb.ca/fs/pwd/supported_living.html.