Multi-Year Strategic FLS Plans
In June 2016, the Manitoba Government enacted the Francophone Community Enhancement and Support Act. This Act provides a framework for enhancing the vitality of Manitoba’s Francophone community and for supporting and assisting its development. One of the key elements of the Act is the requirement for public bodies to prepare multi-year strategic plans related to the provision of French language services. The Act sets out the elements which need to be included in the Multi-Year Strategic FLS Plan. The relevant section states:
Contents of plan
11(2) In its proposed plan, the public body must describe
- the priorities of Manitoba’s Francophone community in relation to the public body’s French language services;
- the public body’s capacity to provide French language services;
- the provision of French language services by the public body as they relate to its policies, programs and services including those programs and services provided by third parties on its behalf;
- the provision of French language services by each administrative tribunal that falls within the public body’s mandate;
- other measures to be taken by the public body to enhance the vitality of Manitoba’s Francophone community and to support and assist its development; and
- any matter required by regulation or the minister.
The Secretariat has created guidelines and a plan template in order to help public bodies prepare their plans. Please tap/click on the links below to learn more.
Multi-Year Strategic FLS Plan – Instructions (PDF)
Multi-Year Strategic FLS Plan – Template (PDF)
It is recommended that public bodies create annual operating plans in order to implement their multi-year strategic plans. Please tap/click on the links below to learn more.