Heritage Grant

Military Memorial Conservation Grant

The primary intent for the Military Memorial Conservation Grant is supporting conservation of existing physical structures such as monuments, cenotaphs, sculptures, plaques and cairns dedicated to the memory of Manitobans who served, and who sacrificed their lives in defense of freedom and democracy.

What is the Military Memorial Conservation Grant?

The Military Memorial Conservation Grant is intended to assist primarily with conservation work on existing military memorials in Manitoba, with the goal of extending the physical life and commemorative function of the memorials, and raising their profile as sites of reflection and commemoration, and as valuable cultural infrastructure in the community.

The program prioritizes conservation activities that are in accordance with The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, which establishes a consistent set of conservation principles and guidelines adopted by federal-provincial-territorial heritage agencies.

Some funding is also available for new memorials that commemorate people or themes not otherwise addressed, for projects to correct or update inscriptions on existing memorials, and to upgrade memorial infrastructure for improved accessibility.

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What is the deadline?

The deadline for applications is February 15 each year.

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Who can apply?

Any individual, organization, or business, including local governments, with an interest in preserving a military memorial may apply for funding, with the exception of the federal government or any provincial government body or organization reporting directly to a federal or provincial government body.  A long-term commitment must be made to preserving the memorial. If the applicant is not the memorial’s owner, this commitment must be made, and authorization to carry out the proposed work given, by the owner or municipality as appropriate.

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What is the funding formula?

Provincial funding for conservation of a memorial (including inscription updates) or of original site infrastructure that is integral to the memorial, is available on a 1:1 matching basis (up to 50% of total project expenses, not exceeding total out-of-pocket costs for labour, material, and equipment).

Grants for new memorials or new infrastructure may be funded on a 1:2 matching basis (up to 33.3% of the total project expenses).

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How do you apply for a grant?

  • Please begin by reading the Program Guidelines (PDF).
  • Next, complete the Military Memorial Description and Condition Assessment Form (PDF). This will create an ongoing record of the province’s military memorials, and will help you identify what conservation issues your memorial may have as you develop a scope of work with your contractor/conservator.  You will submit this as part of your application.
  • Once you have determined what work needs to be done, and sought advice from professionals, complete the Application Form (PDF) (this PDF form will allow you to enter information into the application and save it on your computer).

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What do you do once your approved project is completed?

Your final report will include the following:

  • photographs of the completed conservation work
  • a short written report if appropriate, explaining what was accomplished
  • receipts or cancelled cheques showing that project expenses have been paid
  • a Project Completion Report form, which will include a final budget for the project.  This will be made available once projects are approved.

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