Labour and Immigration

Energy Efficiency

Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB)

On January 1, 2024, the 2020 National Energy Code for Buildings becomes enforceable in Manitoba via provincial Regulation M.R. 79/2023, Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings ( It is known as the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings (MECB). These new efficiency standards affect building envelope, lighting, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, water heating, and electrical systems and, as per MECB Article, will apply to construction of new buildings, subsequent alterations to and within buildings originally constructed in accordance with the MECB, and additions governed under Part 3 of the Manitoba Building Code.

Part 3 Buildings shall comply with the prescriptive or trade-off requirements, the performance requirements, or the tiered performance requirements.
Four energy performance tiers are specified in New Part 10 of the MECB, with each successive tier being increasingly stringent in terms of building energy consumption.

Manitoba initially adopts the baseline Tier 1 specified in MECB Article

9.36 Energy Efficiency for Housing and Small Buildings

The MBC2020 Section 9.36 Energy Efficiency applies to Part 9 smaller buildings and housing, has a similar scope to that of the MECB, except that they do not address lighting and electrical power systems.

The MECB applies to larger Part 9 residential buildings as well as for non-residential buildings whose combined total floor area exceeds 300 square meter and some mixed-use buildings in accordance with Article of Division B.

Manitoba initially adopts the baseline Tier 1 specified in MBC Articles and

Coordinating Registered Professional (CRP)

ITS is enforcing the MECB through a Letter of Assurance and a Letter of Certification from a MECB Coordinating Registered Professional.

A MECB Coordinating Registered Professional must be:

Forms for Coordinating Registered Professionals (CRP) available on the Bulletins, Guides& Forms page

Note: In submitting the Letter of Certification, the coordinating registered professional is not responsible for ensuring the compliance of design or construction with respect to the MECB for those aspects which are the responsibility of other professionals under seal and, as such, is entitled to reasonably rely on Letters of Assurance and Certification required by ITS to be submitted by registered professionals and/or other statements provided by other professionals pertaining to the design and construction of the project.

Tools for Complying with Energy Codes

To assist with demonstrating compliance with the prescriptive, trade-off, or performance paths, NRCan and NRC have developed Microsoft Excel-based compliance checklists. To obtain a copy of the checklist, please e-mail

Note that the CAN-Quest energy modelling software is considered a legacy tool and remains available but no longer supported by the NRC, now the compliance with the NECB performance path can be demonstrated using any ANSI/ASHREA 140-compliant software tool.

For more information, please visit Energy management tools, data, fact sheets and guides website.