
Correctional Services Division

The Corrections Division (Manitoba Corrections) helps protect society by enforcing orders and sentences given by the courts. We manage offenders with appropriate control, supervision and support. We provide programs and services that help offenders learn to become productive members of society.

Our core values are:

  • Respect – we accept diversity and the unconditional worth and rights of all people.
  • Accountability – we openly communicate and manage our services, evaluate ourselves and take responsibility for the results.
  • Growth and development – we believe every person has potential and we provide opportunities and support for change.
  • Recognition – we believe our strength and most important resource is our staff and that they are most effective in a safe, challenging and rewarding work environment.
  • Working together – we work with individuals, communities and organizations to create a safe, crime-free society.

Corrections Division consists of Adult Correctional Services and Youth Correctional Services. We operate six adult correctional facilities, one youth facility and 27 community corrections offices to supervise probation and conditional sentences for adult and youth offenders.


Probation — a sentence allowing an offender to remain in the community under specific conditions set by the court.

Sentenced offender — describes an adult offender with a sentence of up to two years less a day. When used to describe young offenders, the term includes all sentences.

Remanded accused — is a youth or adult who is being kept in custody until charges are dealt with by the courts or bail is granted.