
What is the Social Services Appeal Board?

The Social Services Appeal Board (SSAB) is a group of people appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. The purpose of SSAB is to give Manitobans a fair, impartial, and informal appeal process of decisions relating to various social services and programs. The board has the authority to review appeals from Manitobans applying for, or receiving services under the following Manitoba Government programs:

How do I file an appeal?

You can complete A Notice of Appeal Form, or send us a letter advising us of the program, and the decision you are appealing. We also need to have a way of contacting you. All Appeals must be signed.  Appeals may be mailed, dropped off, faxed, or emailed to our office. (Emailed appeals must have a signature on them).

What happens after I file my appeal?

  • The appeal board sends the Notice of Appeal to the program and office which made the decision.
  • The program provides a written report explaining why they made the decision.
  • A hearing is schedule within 30 days of receiving the Notice of Appeal, unless you request additional time.

What if I have a concern that is not an appealable issue?

For some programs, you can contact the Fair Practices Office.

Your appeal must be filed in writing within 30 days of a decision.

Employment and Income Assistance Program and Rent Assist

Individuals who feel a decision under the Employment and Income Assistance program was unfair may appeal if:

  • the person was not allowed to apply or re-apply for income assistance, general assistance or shelter assistance
  • a decision on the person’s request for income assistance, general assistance or shelter assistance was not made in a reasonable amount of time
  • the person was denied income assistance, general assistance or shelter assistance
  • the amount of income assistance, general assistance or shelter assistance was cancelled, suspended, changed or withheld
  • the amount of income assistance, general assistance or shelter assistance provided was not enough to meet the person’s needs

Legislative Authority: The Manitoba Assistance Act, Section 9

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Adoption Agency Licensing

An individual may file an appeal with the Appeal Board if the Director of Child and Family Services refuses to issue a licence for an adoption agency. An individual may also file an appeal if a licence, that was previously issued, is suspended, cancelled or not renewed. 

Legislative Authority: The Adoption Act, Section 9

Child Care Licensing and Subsidies

Appeals can be heard on four issues:

  • a refusal to issue a licence to a child care facility
  • a suspended or revoked licence of a child care facility
  • newly imposed terms or conditions on a child care facility licence
  • a denied or insufficient child care subsidy

Legislative Authority: The Community Child Care Standards Act, Section 20

Child Care Qualifications Certification

Appeals can be heard on one issue only:

  • Non agreement with the director's decision regarding their application for a child care certificate

Legislative Authority: The Community Child Care Standards Act, Section 30

55-Plus: A Manitoba Income Supplement, Junior Component

A person can appeal if they are told that they are not eligible to receive benefits under the 55-Plus Program. An appeal can also be filed if an individual disagrees with the amount of benefits that they are receiving.

Legislative Authority: The Social Services Administration Act, Income Supplement for Persons Not Eligible for Old Age Security Benefits, (55-PLUS) Regulation, Section 9

Manitoba Prenatal Benefit

An individual can appeal an assessment or re-assessment of their Manitoba Prenatal Benefit.

Legislative Authority: The Social Services Administration Act, Manitoba Prenatal Benefit Regulation, Section 12

Residential Care Licensing

An appeal can be made if the department decides to deny, suspend or cancel a provisional letter of approval or a licence for a residential care facility. Appeals can be made if a letter of approval for a residential care facility was cancelled or suspended.

Legislative Authority: Adults- The Social Services Administration Act, Section 13
Children- The Child & Family Services Act Section 8(5)

Community Living disABILITY Services (eligibility)

Appeals can be made when the eligibility of a person for entrance into the Community Living disABILITY Services Program is in question.

Legislative Authority: The Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability Act, Sections 15-20(2)

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