

Manitoba is committed to fostering ongoing relationships within and outside our province to address FASD.  Networking with community members, non-profit agencies, and other provincial and territorial jurisdictions assists to ensure our programming and services are informed and relevant. Some of these partnerships include:

Canada Northwest FASD Partnership is an intergovernmental partnership including British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. The partnering jurisdictions have agreed to share best practices, expertise, and resources, and to develop joint strategies and initiatives to better address the issue of FASD.  The partnership also supports jurisdictions to host international conferences on the latest advances in research and initiatives related to FASD. Manitoba hosted the Living Well: FASD and Mental Health conference in Winnipeg, MB from November 5-7, 2014.

FASD Community Coalitions are grassroots groups of stakeholders formed by individuals, agencies and professionals working in the area of FASD and may include representation from various provincial government departments. The coalitions are intended to increase community networking, share best practices and provide support for prevention and intervention efforts in local communities across Manitoba.

The Manitoba FASD Coalition brings together families, service providers, community organizations and representatives from government from across the province to share information and resources, co-ordinate activities and plan together to address issues related to FASD. The coalition regularly holds lunch hour information sessions, which can be attended virtually. The Manitoba FASD Coalition website provides information on FASD resources, news, and events from across Manitoba.