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Welcome to the Changes for Children website

The Changes for Children action plan was launched to implement the recommendations stemming from the external reviews of the Child and Family Services system that were released in October 2006.
Through this website, you can learn about the child and family services system, view the external review reports and learn about what has been done to implement the Changes for Children agenda.

Vision Statements


The planning process that respects the AJI-CWI partnership and decision making, embraces principles of inclusiveness, transparency and best practices and results in meaningful and sustainable changes for children, families and communities

Service Delivery

An integrated system that is responsive and coordinated where families and communities are respected, engaged, and supported to protect, value, nurture and love their children.


A stable, supported workforce that is confident in their ability to collaborate with families, systems, collaterals and communities to provide timely, culturally responsive services that meet the needs of children, youth and families.


A jointly coordinated child and family services system that recognizes the distinct rights and authorities of First Nations and Métis peoples and the general population to control, manage, deliver and oversee their own child and family services on a province wide basis.


A child and family services system that recognizes and supports the rights of children to develop within safe and healthy families and communities, and recognizes that First Nations and Metis peoples have unique authority, rights and responsibilities to honour and care for their children.